Thursday, November 4, 2010

old-to-new stuff

I don't know what it is about old stuff that I like so much. Maybe it's the mystery of not knowing its history (I didn't rhyme that on purpose), or perhaps it's the romanticism of reformation, or it could be that old stuff is just more individualistic. I love finding things in junk stores that look hopeless and unwanted, then claiming them as my own and giving them somewhat of a brand new existence. That's my dramatic explanation of it.
Side note: I wish I had the same passion of doing that kind of thing for people (minus the "claiming them for my own" part, of course). Hmm, need to pray on that.

My most recent transmogrification (yeah, go look that one up) of near-decrepit furniture is the following dresser:
It actually looked much worse in person; it was pukey white, chipped up, and missing handles. Then I adopted it from the Veteran's Thrift Store. Here comes the extended edition chronicle...

Step 1: Removing old handles. Delta was a big help.

Step 2 & 3: Sanding and removing drawers

Step 4: Listening to Delta tell me that she didn't think it would work.

Step 5: Painting everything normal- not pukey- white. I used the leftover trim paint we had.

Step 6: Painting black edges and top

Step 7: Stenciling the drawers and side


Step 8: Installing new handles. Also, I can't figure out how to shrink this picture.

A few painting touch-ups and

I like the new version much better, if I do say so myself.

So does Delta.

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