Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 16 was my half birthday.

Not that I have anything of great significance to say, but I feel I owe it to my loyal fans to write a deep, artistic, inspirational blog entry.

No not really- just kidding. That's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure Mom and Katie are the only ones that read this anyways. I talk to them just about every day, though, so they already know what I've done.

This past month has been nice because of the beautiful weather, but I'd be okay if it got a little colder. Michael and I and our child Delta took our first camping trip and packed enough food to last three months.

We take an occasional trip back to my parents because... *coughimissthemcough*. Really I do, though. We've always been a close family, so it's been hard living a couple hours away. It could be worse. At least it's only a movie-length trip away! Mom and Dad came down to see me yesterday, and today Mom and I went antiquing while Dad installed a new outdoor faucet. That man can do anything! I bought a beat-up dresser at a thrift store, and I'm going to give it some TLC and stick it in my cute guest bedroom. The guest bedroom is pretty much "Target meets junk store treasures", plus an amazing tea set that was Michael's grandmother's. Anyways, I'm sure I'll be guiding you through my thrillingly epic journey of fixing up an old dresser. Be very excited. Hey, I am.

And now, Kacie's new blog format that doesn't really matter and isn't incredibly important but does make her feel cooler and more organized. Also, it helps me keep on track.

Big News:
I beat mom at Words with Friends. She always gloats about how wonderful she is and how nobody ever beats her, but BAM! I beat her. Also, I am now fully certified to teach P-12 ESL and P-12 Music. Now if only I had a job...

Something Different in the House:
It's Fall, so duh! There's fall-ish stuff everywhere.

Today I subbed for an elementary PE teacher, and thought maybe I should have been one. They get to play games all day!

Weird Dream:
I'm telling you, I've had so many weird ones lately. The other night we were watching a movie and I fell asleep on the couch (bad attention span, what can I say?), and I had this dream about some evil dude trying to kill my family and then a scary gecko had me tied up in a cage and I was choking on spider goop. Michael woke me up because I was flinching and making choking sounds. So there you have it, I'm messed up even in my subconscious. Why do I tell you this? I don't know.

Getting a job I've applied for at an Adult Ed center. Pray for this, please.

The End.


  1. I miss you too...glad we got to spend Monday together.

  2. I read your blog=) I liked the way you worded "our child Delta"...it made me smile.
