Saturday, May 14, 2011

Moving Up in the World...

So after nearly a year of living in a beautiful neighborhood in a lovely 3 bed/2 bath home that we owned, with Michael having a great job at a public accounting firm, we have moved back to Conway, to live in... a... barn. Yes, we shall be living 100 feet from chickens, cows, and a donkey named Henry, driving down dirt for a driveway, and living in a 1 bed/ 1 bath former barn-of-a-house.
Tis true. And why such madness? I shall discuss. Actually not discuss, just type it out and you read it.
Wellllsee, a few months ago Michael and I (admittedly, pretty much just I) had thoughts of moving back to C-town. We prayed about it A LOT-- as I would recommend doing especially for major life choices but also for everything else-- and decided that two of three things would have to happen to be our "fleece" in deciding to do this: Michael gets a job, Kacie gets a job, FS house sells. Well within a couple weeks, I interviewed for an elementary music job in G-town (which would be my dream job- elementary music in a rural area), and got a job offer an hour after the interview. Within another weekish, Michael had secured a job as an auditor with the government (government=great benefits, btw). He works fewer hours and gets more time off and has NO TAX SEASON. This may not mean much to you if you aren't closely related or married to an accountant, but it means not working 55 hour weeks for 3.5 months a year. Our house hasn't sold yet, but we got our 2/3. So we're here.
And now for the barn reasoning.
The barn is my parents'. It will be rent-free. It's not a normal barn, but actually more like a... umm, a barn on crack? I don't know how to describe it, but I'll post pics eventually. After about three years of living in what will really just be a small house, we will be able to build a nice house on our (free) land in the country and still have zero debt.
I am already so very much happier here. I didn't like living in the city. I like going outside and wandering around without seeing humans or automobiles, I like that I have my family and friends and GBFC back (though I miss my family in FS), I like that Michael and I can take random rides on the rhino, and I really like that I'll have a job I get paid decently for (I HATED subbing). Oh and I like that I get to see my husband WAY more. I do not like that the sun burned the crap out of me while I was mowing the field last week.

Anyways, we're VERY excited to be back here and to see how God is going to use us here! And I'm excited to transform this super-barn into our cozy home. Yeah, it's gonna be awesome.

Me sand stuff off the walls...

Michael texturing the closet...

We have this awesome window now!

Oh and by the way, these are some of our views...


  1. Welcome back! I look forward to seeing the "thumb game" soon. Also, we need to get together soon for no other reason than just cuz you are back :)

  2. I have a great idea!- You can cook Cajun food annnnd we'll come over and eat it! :D
    Oh, and Michael wants to play video games with y'all. And I guess I could bring a dessert or something to contribute :P
    Seriously though. I personally think it's a good plan.
