Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fu Mao 夫猫

I can't sleep, but I'm still too sore to do productive stuff (car wreck, remember?). I would take a muscle relaxer, but then I'm pretty sure I wouldn't wake up until Saturday. So Delta and I are watching a movie, except that Delta's asleep and I'm on the computer. And Michael's out of town... booooo. Blogging can count as being productive, yes?

I. Love. Kittens. We've always had cats around, but I haven't been able to have a kitty since we've been married. Michael didn't want to have one in a neighborhood that could get out and get run over and make me cry. But now we're in the country, so HA! And so yesterday I brought home a new furbaby. It's a boy! 4 inches tall, less than 1 lb, bluish eyes, and FUZZY.
And his name is Fu Mao,
aka Man Cat... aka 夫猫. It's Chinese... obviously. I love him, but he sure does meow a lot.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Fu thinks he's a dog...

When he's not meowing all over the place or eating tuna, he enjoys... following around the nearest dog, which is usually Delta. Or sleeping. Or just looking incredibly CUTE.

Very cute.

This is what happens when you don't have kids. At least I know I'm messed up, though. Just think how annoying I'll be once I do have kids! Oh the millions of pictures there will be. But really, let's just say that I'm preparing myself for kids by making sure I can take care of furbabies first... feeding, watering, wiping up puke, changing their poop-holder (litterbox, whatever), keeping them from killing each other, and making sure they don't eat baby chicks. That's pretty much the basics of parenting, right? Yeah, it's probably going to be a while before I'm ready.

In other news, I got to use a cotton candy machine tonight. It was the highlight of my life, except for maybe the day I got married. I may give up teaching and join a circus just so I can make cotton candy. I always wanted to be a clown when I was little, but that's a different story.

And now I should probably take a hint from these lil cuties and go to sleep...

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I wanted to be a garbage man OR a dancer clown when I grew up. I guess I'm kinda both things since becoming a mommy... =)
