Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moderate Home Makeover: Kacie Edition {part 1}

Another blog already? I know what you're thinking: "She has no life." You would be right in that. Today I spent a good part of the day figuring out new and exciting ways to organize the laundry room and the refrigerator. I need to start work now.

Anyways, I've been meaning to do this for a while now- our "before and after" house pictures. We've done a good bit of work on our little home, and I personally am rather fond of it. You may not be (if there's anyone actually reading), but just... act like you are, okay?

Laundry Room
Big Effort: Painting (duh), shelf removal/replacement

Big Effort: tearing off wallpaper (blah!), painting, sink replacement, countertop replacement, new backsplash (Special thanks to Dad for helping with [okay, mostly doing] the last three.)

(I think the puppy makes a nice addition :P)

Big Effort: Painting (let me again state the obvious), partial wood floor replacement, built-in entertainment center extraction (a much bigger job that it sounds like)

(Cool, I caught myself in the mirror!)

Big Effort: Wallpaper removal (a zillion hideous layers hidden underneath!), wall texturing, painting (Special thanks to Dad and Brent for doing the texturing, and both parents for painting while we were on our honeymoon).

Formal Living Room, now known as the Asian Room
Big effort: painting, having a ridiculous amount of nerdy Asian deco stuff

the two fish still alive from the wedding reception...

I plan on posting the other parts of the house later. They're finished too, of course, but I don't have pictures yet. I should go to bed now- tomorrow I have a busy day of doing nothing in particular.


  1. It said "0 things to say, so I couldn't resist

  2. But I have to put them all separate so when you check this, you will think "WOW! I got tons of comments!"

  3. Also, I HATE that you have to do word verification on here before your comment will be posted. I am bad at that thing.

  4. I think I could be better at it if they ever used real words, but they don't. Are there not enough words in the English language that they could use REAL ones? I mean, come on now.

  5. That last word verification was "blespan". I am going to give it a meaning. Mmmm....thinking....
    Ok, got it. Blespan= "to be annoyed and/or terrorized by ones cat"
    Used it a sentence: "Sophie is blespanning me"

  6. That one was "omedec". I let Daniel give it meaning.
    He says it is "the African American slang for 'on my deck'"

    I think that
    1) he has been spending too much time with Dad. and
    2) this has resulted in slight political incorrect-ness.

  7. OOh OOh! That one was "pessem"

    Pessem is a special word, because it can mean two things in English:
    1) the offspring of an opossum and a penguine
    2) A pessemist who had their legs caught off.

  8. Ok, that one was "fishled", so ready, set, GO!!!!!
